B(a)d News n° 9 (feb. 2018) – Noticiero internacional

Feb 16, 2018 | Internacional

Tenemos el agrado de dejar con ustedes el 9° episodio de “B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world”, un programa realizado por la Red Internacional de Radios Anarquistas, de la que Radio Kurruf forma parte. El programa consiste en pequeños reportes en inglés, desde diversos rincones del mundo.


*105 FM from Greece: refugees concentration camp conditions in Moria , the deportation of 8 refugees from Mytilene, antifascists interventions in the city and other political actions from north Aegean islands

*Radio Kurruf from Chile: Pope Francis visited Chile in the middle of protests and scandals

*Radiozones of Subversive Expression from Greece: Athens court of appeal accept the requested of anarchist comrade about the replacement of home arrest, anarchist comrades organized concentration against nationalist rally

*Dissident Island from UK: a recent success in resisting the gentrification

*Radio Fragmata from Greece: updates on struggle against new correctional code, nationalist fascist gatherings, a review of the campaign a toy for every child

*A-Radio Berlin from Germany: a voice from Afrin (Rojava), under attack by the Turkish State

*Črna Luknja from Slovenia: an interview with anarcho-syndicalist collective from Pristina, the capital of Kosovo

*FrequenzA from Germany: broadcast about Rodrigo an anarchist and antifascist locked up in Zaragoza Spain

*The Final Straw from USA: a short cut of a conversation about the cases of the Loxicha prisoners in Mexico

Please send feedback and comments at: a-radio-network/at/riseup(.)net

(episode in total 1: 15: 24)

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