English – Inglés

Report in english: Quintero and the sacrifice zones

Listen our report about Quintero and the sacrifice zones:  Versión en español aquí Quintero and the sacrifice zones In Chile, there are cities and rural zones that have been called "sacrifice zones", as their population and environment are sacrificed to favor...

B(a)d News n° 16 (oct. 2018) – Noticiero internacional

Tenemos el agrado de dejar con ustedes el 16° episodio de “B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world”, un programa realizado por la Red Internacional de Radios Anarquistas, de la que Radio Kurruf forma parte. El programa consiste en pequeños reportes en inglés,...

Report in english: the environmental devastation of mining in the north of Chile and the resistance of the Lickan-Antay people

Listen to the report in English that Radio Kurruf has made about the environmental devastation of mining in the north of Chile and the resistance of the Lickan-Antay people:  Hello comrades! We are from Radio Kurruf, in the Chilean region. This is our report about...

B(a)d News n° 15 (sept. 2018) – Noticiero internacional

Tenemos el agrado de dejar con ustedes el 15° episodio de “B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world”, un programa realizado por la Red Internacional de Radios Anarquistas, de la que Radio Kurruf forma parte. El programa consiste en pequeños reportes en inglés,...